Text Portfolio
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The page contains samples of different types of text genres.
The Problem with Freelancing – Millenial Problems Edition
So it would seem we are at least ticking the boxes of working more for less, facing more insecurity, and we are increasingly taking on the costs of competing on the market ourselves. But have we in fact become human capital? And are we being driven further away from each other through competition and individualism? Is loneliness the defining feature of our generation?
Chief Editor’s Note: Rocky Slopes
Amongst the crowded landscape of ridges tumbling endlessly over each other, it seems that one could hide the grandest of secrets and find the most glorious of adventures. For me, the view has always been worth the climb. And so I trust my feet and keep on climbing.
Suunnittelija esittely
Sanna-Maaria Aholan luoma Koruttamo sulattaa pienellä pajalla vahvoja tunteita, muovaten koruja vahvuuden ja herkkyyden symbioosista – valon ja varjon ainaisesta leikistä. Koruttamo tuo ripauksen luksusta, hyvää mieltä ja iloa arjen keskelle, kannustaen rohkeampien korujen käyttöön. Tulevaisuuden tavoitteina suunnittelija Sanna-Maarialla onkin valmistaa keskustelua herättäviä koruja.
Research Proposal: A Search to Understand Myself
From day one it seems that it lingers there in the minds and fears of the awaiting student. Courses pass, exams are taken, projects are completed and all of a sudden it stands before you: the thesis seminar.
Flashback to my high school years spent in an English-speaking class inside a Finnish high school: I can recollect vaguely feeling that bilingualism tends to operate in a specific systematic way… Reading through the linguistic data on bilingualism during my University years felt like being let in on a big secret that I had known about all along, but only now my eyes were opening to the full truth. I made revelations about my own language use that I had in theory known, but hadn’t been able to formulate in concrete terms.
Declaration of independence
Photographs, slightly worn and faded – moments flash by… Once we were that child.
Mother, what happened?
Mother, forgive me. I must have let you down.
Alice in Wonderland
How do you condense the experiences of one whole semester into something that one person can bother to listen to in one go? You don’t. You smile and say it was great. You maybe say you learned some Spanish or that you liked the family you lived with. Maybe a funny story, but that’s it. But if pressed for a story, I think this one would capture the interest of my listeners better, the story of how Alice was lost in Wonderland…